Welcome: Professor Barbara Prainsack
Moderator: Dr Eleonore Lappin-Eppel, Vicepresident of the Center for Israel Studies ViennaZOOM lecture: please click here
Youtube Channel Center for Israel Studies Vienna
About the panelists:
Dr Dani Kranz: 2009 Ph.D. in Social Anthropology, University of St. Andrews in St Andrews. Director, Two Foxes Consulting, Germany; Senior Research Affiliate, Bergische University Wuppertal, Germany; External Research Affiliate, Zelikovitz Center for Jewish Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Publications: i.a. “Thinking Big: Classical Jewish Studies, Jewish Studies Past, Present, Presence and Israel Studies Thought Together, in Intersections of Jewish Studies and Israel Studies in the 21st Century”(eds.) Carsten Schapow and Klaus Hödl, 2019, and “Foreign Europeans in a Post-Colonial Context: The Entanglement of Inclusion and Exclusion on Macro-, Meso-, and Micro Levels of non-Jewish, Foreign Spouses and Partners of Israeli Jews in Israel” https://grenzenlos.hypotheses.org/93, 2015.
Prof Dr Natan Sznaider: 1992 PhD in Sociology from Columbia University in New York, USA; 1993 lecturer in Sociology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem; 1994 Associate Professor of Sociology at the Academic College of Tel-Aviv; 1998–1999 Visiting Professor at the Institute for Sociology at the University of Munich. Currently Professor at the Academic College of Tel Aviv–Yaffo.
Publications: i.a. “Neuer Antisemitismus? Fortsetzung einer globalen Debatte” (ed. with Doron Rabinovici and Christian Heilbronn); edition suhrkamp, Berlin, 2019; “Herzl reloaded. Kein Märchen” with Doron Rabinovici, edition suhrkamp, Berlin, 2016. “The Holocaust and Memory in the Global Age” with Daniel Levy, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 2006. “Gesellschaften in Israel – Eine Einführung in zehn Bilder“, edition suhrkamp, Berlin, 2017.